Few words about us
- Leading telecomunications company in Greece
- 8 stores in Greek airports
- 20 years company
- Connectphone app
- Connectphone website
- Worldwide esim sales

About eSim
Esims are quick , easy and simple
There is no physical SIM card
Global immediate connectivity
Saves time and effort while travelling
Joining as a travel agency with connect phone offers a myriad of benefits, including providing travelers with seamless connectivity options, enhancing customer experience, diversifying revenue streams, and positioning the agency as a one-stop solution for modern travel needs.
Increased revenue 🡪 25% profit after selling each product
Enchanced customer experience 🡪 simplity and ease
Global reach 🡪 serve tourists from around the world
How it works
- Set up parternship agreement and sell our eSIM s in 2 ways
- 1. when a customer purchases a ticket for an activity ,on the email with the instructions you will contain our eSIM with a mink connected to our website
- 2. through affiliate you will contain our esims in your website
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