Return Policy

Understanding Our QR Code and Non-Refundable Policy

How Our QR Code Works

When you make a purchase, you’ll receive a unique QR code via email. This QR code is designed to activate the product or service you’ve purchased instantly. Simply scan the code using your mobile device, and you’ll gain immediate access.

It’s important to note that all our products delivered via QR code are non-refundable. Once the QR code is generated and sent to you, it becomes instantly active and cannot be used on another device. This ensures both the security of the product and confirms its one-time use attribute.

Why Non-Refundable?

Instant Activation

The QR code activates the service immediately upon scanning, making it impossible to revoke or reissue.


To protect against unauthorized use or distribution, each QR code is tied to a single user and device.


The non-refundable policy upholds the value and exclusivity of the product or service you are receiving.

We understand that this policy may bring up questions, and we are more than happy to discuss it further should you have any concerns. Thank you for your understanding and for choosing our secure, efficient delivery method.